
Mastectomy is a surgical operation used to remove all breast tissue from one or both breasts if you have breast cancer or in some cases is offered as a preventive measure if you are at a very high risk of developing breast cancer.

Most women who have battled breast cancer have had surgery, like a lumpectomy, modified or simple mastectomy, or radical mastectomy. So, most women have probably recognized how much change comes along with surgery. Here at Adaptive we understand the importance of restoring confidence and self-esteem and recognize that individual women have individual needs. With our wide range of shapes and sizes, we can help you choose a breast prosthesis that beautifully matches your chest size.

What are the advantages of having a breast prosthesis?

Well, wearing a breast prosthesis is and will always be a personal choice. Women decide to get fitted for a breast prosthesis and bra for different reasons. Many women want breast prosthesis because they want to wear the same form fitting clothing they wore prior to surgery and want a symmetrical look. Also, a breast prosthesis simulates the natural breast and can protect your chest and scars. It can help keep your body balanced and can prevent any other muscle-skeletal problems in your back, neck or shoulders.

Brands we carry:

Adaptive’s certified mastectomy fitters are here to help you feel confident and comfortable. Call to schedule your appointment today.

“Don’t let your mastectomy change the women you are destined to be”

Certified Mastectomy Fitter,

Shelley Blanchard

Certified Mastectomy Fitter,

Monica Yates